I have known Whitney for close to 10 years now (that's kind of weird to say but okay, lol). We met through our youth group at the time and I have always felt like a part of her family. Since I met them, they have treated me like one of their own and you really just don't find that with everyone.

When Whitney asked me to shoot her wedding, I literally could have cried. Her and Brandon are two of the funniest people ever and I knew that their wedding would perfectly reflect exactly who they are. They chose to go the intimate wedding route, having a more formal ceremony followed by an informal cookout at their house. Their downtown wedding was everything I expected from them. It was beautifully decorated, the ceremony, officiated by her brother-in-law, Chretien (the same person that officiated mine and Drew's wedding!!), was a perfect reflection of who they are and what they value, and the time we spent together for portraits, which was one thing that Whitney really stressed to me was important to them, confirmed everything that I already knew about them: they are literally perfect together. Listening to them banter back and forth was so refreshing and their senses of humor are so on par with each other, it's crazy.

We started the day at Whitney's family's home with her girls and a crap-ton of Chick-fil-a. After all of the hair and the makeup was done, we drove over to their ceremony venue downtown. One thing I really loved about Whitney and Brandon is that there was literally zero (at least they didn't show any) nerves or craziness. It was probably the calmest I have ever seen a pre-ceremony literally ever.

After we wrapped up portraits and were walking back to the venue, we walked passed the coffee shop and decided to stop and grab a coffee. The owners were so kind and gave Whitney and Brandon their wedding day coffee on the house. :)

Something that was cool about Whitney and Brandon's wedding is that this was the first wedding that I did hybrid coverage, completely by myself. I have made a point that 2020 will be a year that I step out and try things that push me to be better and so, in deciding this, I made a bucket list of things I wanted to accomplish and this was one of them. When I told them what I was going to attempt, they were totally on board (another reason that I love them lol). It was challenging and took a LOT of planning ahead of time, but I am so thrilled to finally be able to check it off of my list (okay, it's only March, but still).

It's my hope that when you scroll through these images and watch this video, that you can feel what I felt photographing this day. The love between these two is so evident and almost tangible and I am so incredibly grateful that they chose me to tell their story.

xo Holly